Stream from over 300 workouts in Ballet Body® and Iron Barre®, plus get access to new workouts and training plans. Get slim, strong, and fit with workouts modified for all levels. Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Leah Sarago will guide you on your fitness journey to achieving a strong, fit, and feminine physique.
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Buy from Leah Sarago Fitness
Therapeutic Movement and Exercise System
10 videos
Featuring the only, at-home, complete fitness and mobility training program designed specifically for Bariatric patients, candidates, and those fighting obesity that limits daily movement and life. This 4 month training system offers 9 workouts plus a training guide to get the best results with t...
Ballet Body Signature Bundle: Volumes 1-4 + Guide
12 videos
This digital bundle includes all four volumes of the Ballet Body Signature Series including Total Body, Lower Body, Upper Body, and Core. Use the 16 week workout guide included to help you achieve the best results with these Ballet Body workouts. You can perform these workouts in the privacy of ...
Ballet Body Signature Series: Upper Body
1 video
Strengthen, sculpt, and define your upper body with this dynamic, results-oriented workout. Start with mat exercises for the arms and core, then grab a pair of light hand weights for some dance-inspired movements. You'll improve your muscle definition, posture, and strength. It's the ultimate wor...