Iron Barre Select: Lower Body

Iron Barre Select: Lower Body

12 Seasons

This program strategically aligns Ballet Body® and Iron Barre® exercises to accommodate troublesome areas including overdeveloped muscle groups, body- fat dense areas, and hypertrophic responses (ability to build muscle). This fine-tuned solution helps to balance the overall physique aesthetics with exercise selected for your body type whether your goal is to slim and sculpt your lower body or upper body. The Lower Body Rx Select training program includes total-body workouts tailored to strengthen, sculpt, and slim the thighs, while building metabolism-boosting, lean muscle mass in the upper body. This program is NOT advocating spot reduction but intelligently training the body to balance the look of the overall physique without exacerbating troublesome areas. Watch the Iron Barre Select Video for more info!

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Iron Barre Select: Lower Body
  • Upper Body Circuit I

    Episode 1

    This express circuit moves non-stop from one exercise to the next to train the upper body. Complete three sets with one minute rest after completing all five exercises. Equipment Needed: Cable pull down or resistance band set up for single arm lat pull down, bench and heavy dumbbells, resistance...

  • Elongation Series I: Thighs

    Episode 2

  • Mat Work: Glutes, Hamstrings, and Core

    Episode 3

    This mat workout incorporates the use of a resistance band, foam block, and sliding disc with exercises designed to train the core, hamstrings, and glutes with graceful movements inspired by pilates and dance.