Iron Barre Select: Lower Body

Iron Barre Select: Lower Body

12 Seasons

This program strategically aligns Ballet Body® and Iron Barre® exercises to accommodate troublesome areas including overdeveloped muscle groups, body- fat dense areas, and hypertrophic responses (ability to build muscle). This fine-tuned solution helps to balance the overall physique aesthetics with exercise selected for your body type whether your goal is to slim and sculpt your lower body or upper body. The Lower Body Rx Select training program includes total-body workouts tailored to strengthen, sculpt, and slim the thighs, while building metabolism-boosting, lean muscle mass in the upper body. This program is NOT advocating spot reduction but intelligently training the body to balance the look of the overall physique without exacerbating troublesome areas. Watch the Iron Barre Select Video for more info!

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Iron Barre Select: Lower Body
  • Iron Barre Select: Lower Body Rx I

    Episode 1

    This total body circuit uses heavier resistance for the upper body with bodyweight, muscle lengthening exercises for the lower body. Equipment needed: pull up assistance type resistance band, heavier set of dumbbells, bench, and barre.

  • Iron Barre: Total Body Mat

    Episode 2

    This is a total body workout with emphasis on working the thighs with kneeling squat exercises. This workout flows from one exercise to the next on the mat. Equipment Needed: yoga mat, foam/knee pad, one heavy weight, and a set of moderate weight dumbbells.

  • Lower Rx Training Guide and Log

    1.35 MB

  • Iron Barre Select Info

    Episode 3